10XB Natural Cocoa Powder- Improve your health
Organic, Ghanaian. Call or whatsapp for your orders on 0560000230

Taking Control of your nutrition and health through better eating is a priority for everyone, especially the middle age and old age. The product is prepared to satisfy the health needs of the body. 10XB Dimension Natural Cocoa powder is rich in theobromine, which helps to reduce inflammation and can protect you from diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
As the drive to build an enterprising economy heightens, Ms Matilda Dako birthed the idea to create 10XB Dimension Limited to promote healthy eating whiles doing business. As a strong advocate for healthy living and wellness, she uses state of the art equipment that ensure a clean production process. 10Xb Natural Cocoa powder is a 100% organic cocoa powder sourced from the Ghana Cocoa Marketing Board. Registered with Registrar general department (RDG) and certified by the Food and Drug Authority (FDA), 10XB Natural cocoa powder is well packaged with different sizes for everyone.

10XB Natural cocoa powder is extracted from the cocoa beans as the primary ingredient with enormous health benefit. Like any other well prepared cocoa powder, the made in Ghana cocoa powder, contains iron, zinc, and selenium. These minerals help your body function and gives the immune system a boost.
The product also helps to lower the risk of heart diseases. Flavonols found in dark chocolate, help to protect from heart disease by lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow, and preventing cell damage. Cocoa powder, naturally, contains polyphenols, antioxidants that help to improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Cocoa powder is rich in theobromine, helps to reduce inflammation and can protect diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Cocoa powder also helps with weight loss. Since cocoa is rich in phytonutrients but low in fat and sugar, the calories you get from cocoa powder will be packed with healthy chemicals. Studies have found that cocoa helps to regulate energy use and metabolism while also increasing feelings of fullness. In other words, cocoa powder actually help to reduce weight while providing important nutrients.
Other benefits of cocoa powder include reducing inflammations, heals wounds faster, improves cognitive health and lessens side effect of radiation therapy.
‘At 10XB Dimensions Limited, we believe in promoting good health by using all natural products to healthy living’ said the CEO.
Headquartered in Sakumono, 10XB Dimensions Limited, currently retails in three shopping outlets in the nation’s capital and in Sunyani as well. Our customers spread across the country and some parts of the world. Our customers are mainly health enthusiasts both locally and internationally.
You can call or whatsapp your orders on 0560000230