Gauge Ghana is a socio-political advocacy house focusing on the socio-economic, political, cultural, and environmental development of Ghana and Africa at large. This is governed by credible data processed for the information of the public. Gauge Ghana has built partnership and relationship with prominent institutions such as media houses, international agencies and governments agencies to support the development process through advocacy. Gauge Ghana will educate and inform the public on past and present development challenges and successes. This will include the prospects and possible threats to national development.

Activities of Gauge Ghana are researched hence appropriate, reliable, and consistent for public use. This is presented in high quality graphics, superior narratives, and well supervised articles. We offer appropriate recognition for references.

Gauge Ghana has a passion for MSMEs in Ghana especially hence promotes local (including African) products. Ghana has rich enterprises whose major constraints includes accessing Market. Gauge Ghana shares a directory of enterprises including contacts to tell the Ghanaian story. Produced in Ghana, consumed everywhere is an object of the Gauge Ghana family. Buy Ghana, eat Ghana, wear Ghana, live Ghana.

Gauge Ghana is Ghanaian owned.

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