
KHITA Salads & Squeezy – Healthy food

Ghanaian-Owned Enterprise

KHITA Salads & Squeezy provides healthy salads and natural fruit juice to compliment your healthy lifestyle.

Many people know that having salad is a very healthy choice, especially if you are focused on clean eating. The young Ghanaian owned enterprise is known for their expertise in delicious mix of fruits and vegetables to complement a healthy lifestyle.

The salad brand understands the relevance of a fibre-rich diet that can help alleviate and prevent constipation and lower cholesterol. The Ghanaian salad giant is known for supporting clients to maintain a healthy body weight which reduces the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. This supports blood sugar levels to stay more even, helping to prevent cravings for sugary foods.

KHITA Salads & Squeezy - home of delicious and healthy food
KHITA Salads & Squeezy – home of delicious and healthy food

Certain vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning they need fat to be present to aid absorption. Vitamins A, D, E, and K all fall into this category, so you need to consume an appropriate amount of healthy fat, like omega-3, to make sure these vitamins are making it to critical body systems. The salad business stands tall in providing professional diet counsel and motivating clients to benefits the use of good salad for a healthy life.

They provide a wide range of services covering from individually suitable packages to group or corporate services. They also provide subscriptions to encourage the routine use of salad to maintain the desired healthy life. The enterprise uses naturally squeezed juice to complement these packages.

KHITA Salads & Squeezy
KHITA Salads & Squeezy

Location:  Palace Street, Amandantsuru close, North Kaneshie.

Contact : 054 686 9903

Whatsapp: 054 686 9903

Facebook: KHITA Salads & Squeezy


GPS Address: GA-212-4262

They have several off-the-shelve packages & products however, customers can customize their own salad. Some of the packages include: Pink lady smoothie, tuna sandwich, chicken salad, chicken wrap and many more.

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